It’s been while since I have had a chance to do a new movie review but recently the film Birdies came across my desk and it just looked like something I had to give a go. Now, to be clear, I am not much of a Golf person. I have only played a handful of times in my life and, if I do play any form of the game for fun, it’s the mini variety. So, going into this I had very little expectations for a comedy based on the sport, but I have to say, this one surprised me.

Birdies has a simple plot, a lackluster Golf Course has to host the annual tournament and win or face expulsion only the staff of Twin Pins Golf Course (catch the Back to the Future reference there?) are not quite the Golf Pro’s they need to be to make the cut. So, in order to win, they enlist a natural golfer who also happens to be an exterminator. What follows is a goofy fun film filled with comedic hijinks, raunchy humor as Twin Pines battles it out with the resentful rival courses that are determined to bring it down.

What makes Birdies work best is the cast. It is clear from the start that the every member of the cast and crew were determined to make this the best film they could and honestly, they succeeded. There is a passion both in front and behind the camera that really shows throughout the entire movie. There are moments in this movie that reminded me of the work of Christopher Guest, giving me the feeling that this is not the last we will see of Writer/Director Troy Carlton and his team. There is a massive amount of talent here and I look forward to seeing where they go from here.

In many ways Birdies feels like an homage to the classic 80’s comedies many of us grew up on but with a modern pacing and aesthetic. While it’s not as madcap as it could be, and the pacing is a little slow at times, it’s silly nature and delightful story is infectious. Filled with clever dialogue and a few truly laugh out loud moments, this is one of the few sports films I actually found myself really enjoying. It may not be Caddy Shack or Happy Gilmore, but it’s fun and honestly that is what matters.

Birdies is currently available via Vimeo and you can check out the official website here.

If you would like to read more reviews please check out  Key Movies Of My Life , Retro TV Reviews here. and, If you dig Music, Stand Out Albums that covers some of my favorite records I have come across in life.

If you would like to read past reviews and content in the mean time, please check out  Key Movies Of My Life , Retro TV Reviews here. and, If you dig Music, Stand Out Albums that covers some of my favorite records I have come across in life.

As always, please feel free to comment below and share your experiences with these episodes as well. If you just happened by, tell me what you think!

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